GBG Introduction

  • GBG Installation
  • GBG Registration
  • GBG File Locations
  • Create a new program
  • Add a Robot to the layout
  • Execute Commands
  • How to delete an instrument
  • Send to front
  • Add Plate Storage
  • Plate Storage Configuration
  • Plate Storage Content Editing
  • Advanced Content Editing
  • Add an Instrument
  • Workcell Process
  • Process Variables
  • Working with Plate Processes
  • Add Instruments to a Plate Process
  • Icons on the Instrument Processes
  • First Run
  • Add Peeling and Sealing to the Plate Process
  • Test run of peel and seal
  • Create an instrument pool
  • Test run of instrument pool
  • Introduction Assessment
  • Slides - GBG Overview
  • Best Practices
  • Robot Slides
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed